Customizing the Ad Templates

Setting up the templates to render your ad code is straight forward. This section details how the appropriate templates are discovered when using the django-ad-code template tags.

Customizing render_section_header Template

render_section_header renders the header content for the current section. If no section was matched then it will not render anything. This template tag looks for the template adcode/{{ section.slug }}/header.html then adcode/header.html where {{ section.slug }} is the slug of the current matched section. In most cases it will be sufficient to define adcode/header.html to use for all sections.

The following items are passed into the context for this template.

  • section: The current adcode Section
  • placements: The full list of Placements for this section
  • debug: The value of settings.DEBUG
  • MEDIA_URL: The value of settings.MEDIA_URL
  • STATIC_URL: The value of settings.STATIC_URL

Customizing render_placement Template

render_placement renders a given placement by the slug. If the placement could not be found then it will not render anything. The template search order is adcode/{{ section.slug }}/{{ placement.slug }}-placement.html, adcode/{{ section.slug }}/placement.html then adcode/placement.html. This allows you to customize each placement individually if needed or on a section or simply a global basis. Many use cases will only require defining adcode/placement.html.

The following items are passed into the context for this template.

  • section: The current adcode Section
  • placement: The current Placement to be rendered
  • debug: The value of settings.DEBUG
  • MEDIA_URL: The value of settings.MEDIA_URL
  • STATIC_URL: The value of settings.STATIC_URL

The Placement model contains a placeholder property that can be used for local development to test the layout. An example adcode/placement.html might look something like below.

{% if debug %}
    <img alt="{{ placement }}" title="{{ placement }}" src="{{ placement.placeholder }}">
{% else %}
    <!-- Here you would put the actual ad code needed -->
{% endif %}

This placeholder image will match the size of the placement. By default this will use but you are free to customize it with the ADCODE_PLACEHOLDER_TEMPLATE setting.

# Default setting (not required in

# Use placekitten instead