Getting Started ==================================== Below are the basic steps need to get django-ad-code integrated into your Django project. Installation ------------------------------------ It is easiest to install django-ad-code from PyPi using pip:: pip install django-ad-code Configure Settings ------------------------------------ You need to include ``adcode`` to your installed apps as well as include a context processor in your project settings. .. code-block:: python INSTALLED_APPS = ( # Other installed apps would go here 'adcode', ) TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS = ( # Other context processors would go here 'adcode.context_processors.current_placements', ) Note that ``TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS`` is not included in the default settings created by ``startproject``. You should take care to ensure that the default context processors are included in this list. For a list of default ``TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS`` please see `the official Django docs `_. For the context processor to have any effect you need to make sure that the template is rendered using a RequestContext. This is done for you with the `render `_ shortcut. Create Database Tables ------------------------------------ You'll need to create the necessary database tables for storing ad sections and placements. This is done with the ``syncdb`` management command built into Django:: python syncdb django-ad-code uses `South `_ to handle database migrations. If you are also using South then you should run ``migrate`` instead:: python migrate adcode Using Ad Data in the Template ------------------------------------ The django-ad-code includes two template tags to help rendering ad placements. ``render_section_header`` would be included in your html and would include and step JS needed. In your you would render individual placements with ``render_placement`` which takes the slug for the placement. .. code-block:: html {% load adcode_tags %} {% render_section_header %} {% render_placement 'footer' %} Continue on to learn about customizing how these tags render.