Getting Started

Below are the basic steps need to get django-ad-code integrated into your Django project.


It is easiest to install django-ad-code from PyPi using pip:

pip install django-ad-code

Configure Settings

You need to include adcode to your installed apps as well as include a context processor in your project settings.

    # Other installed apps would go here

    # Other context processors would go here

Note that TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS is not included in the default settings created by startproject. You should take care to ensure that the default context processors are included in this list. For a list of default TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS please see the official Django docs.

For the context processor to have any effect you need to make sure that the template is rendered using a RequestContext. This is done for you with the render shortcut.

Create Database Tables

You’ll need to create the necessary database tables for storing ad sections and placements. This is done with the syncdb management command built into Django:

python syncdb

django-ad-code uses South to handle database migrations. If you are also using South then you should run migrate instead:

python migrate adcode

There is an optional fixture with IAB ad sizes based on the 2012 guidelines. To load this fixture run:

python loaddata iab_sizes.json

Using Ad Data in the Template

The django-ad-code includes two template tags to help rendering ad placements. render_section_header would be included in your html <head> and would include and step JS needed. In your <body> you would render individual placements with render_placement which takes the slug for the placement.

{% load adcode_tags %}
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <!-- Other meta, css, js -->
    {% render_section_header %}
    <!-- Various body content -->
    {% render_placement 'footer' %}

Continue on to learn about customizing how these tags render.

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